

How we’re governed

Performing Right Society Limited (PRS) is a company founded in 1914 by a group of publishers to protect the value of copyright and help to provide income for composers, songwriters and publishers.

Today, PRS has approximately 175k members and its’ mission remains to grow and protect the value of all those rights entrusted to it underpinned by its vision, code and values.  Our governance sets out our rules, practices and decision-making processes that determine how your Society is directed, controlled and who has accountability for them.

PRS' governance structure 

PRS Governance structure

PRS is supported by its wholly owned subsidiary company called PRS for Music Limited (PRSfM), that runs commercial operations for the group.

PRSfM also provides services to the Mechanical-Copyright

Protection Society Limited (MCPS) under a service level agreement and is a party to a number of joint ventures with UK and international partners designed to ensure cost efficiencies for all stakeholders.

PRS for Music is also the trading name used by PRSfM both when trading alone and jointly with MCPS (when conducting joint licensing).

PRS’  board of directors –is known as the Members’ Council and comprises writers, publishers, independent directors and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The Members’ Council is focused on making sure that PRS is in close touch with the views, concerns and needs of its members. The Members’ Council is supported by PRSfM, which has its own  board of directors made up of Council Members and is known as  as the Board.  Both the Members’ Council and the Board have established committees to support their work.

A team of senior executives, the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), is responsible for the day-to-day management of PRS and PRSfM, led by our CEO, Andrea Czapary Martin.

Constitutional documents

The PRS constitution comprises two governance documents: 

PRS for Music Ltd is governed by separate Articles of Association.

Annual Transparency Report

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