

Committees at PRS for Music are made up of writer and publisher members, along with non-executive directors and observers.

Their purpose is to support our Board and Members' Council. They meet regularly to focus on key areas of the business, including:

  • Audit
  • Conflicts
  • Distribution
  • Licensing
  • Nominations
  • Remuneration

Find out more about our committees

The Audit Committee reviews, assesses and monitors the following:

  • Management policies, processes and procedures for identifying, controlling and managing key risks
  • Our internal financial controls and reporting
  • The effectiveness of our internal audit function and internal audit work plan
  • Our relations with the external auditor (including approval of their payment and terms of engagement) and the independence, objectivity and effectiveness of the audit process
  • The integrity of the financial statements of Performing Right Society Limited (PRS) and PRS for Music Ltd and related information
  • Significant accounting policies and judgments
  • The arrangements by which our staff may, in confidence, raise concerns about any improper behaviour.

Committee members

Writer directors:

  • Crispin Hunt
  • Philip Pope

Publisher directors:

  • Nigel Gilroy
  • Janet Anderson

Independent non-executive directors:

  • Erica Ingham (Chair)
  • Stevie Spring CBE
  • Gill Mansfield

Download Audit Committee Terms of Reference

The Conflicts Committee is made up of the external directors of the Members' Council and provides guidance and recommendations on specific conflict situations and advice on the application of our Conflicts of Interest Policy.

Committee members

Independent non-executive directors:

  • Erica Ingham
  • Stevie Spring CBE
  • Tom Toumazis MBE
  • Gill Mansfield

Download the Conflicts Committee Terms of Reference

The Distribution Committee approves changes to our distribution policy principles and the introduction of any new distribution policies in relation to PRS, MCPS or joint revenue streams.

Committee members

Writer Council Members:

  • Crispin Hunt
  • John Truelove
  • Pete Woodroffe
  • Philip Pope
  • Tom Gray
  • V V Brown

Publisher Council Members:

  • Antony Bebawi
  • Jackie Alway OBE
  • John Minch
  • Laura Young
  • Richard Paine

Independent Non-executive Council Members:

  • Erica Ingham
  • Gill Mansfield (Chair)
  • Stevie Spring CBE
  • Tom Toumazis MBE


  • Paul Clements (CEO MPA Group)

Download the Distribution Committee Terms of Reference

The Licensing Committee reviews and directs overall licensing strategy and policy. It approves:

  • Broadcast, Online and Recorded Media schemes and licences (and any amendments) covering the performing right only, the mechanical right only or joint performing and mechanical rights;

The work of the Committee is informed by the Licensing Commercial Advisory Group (LCAG).

Committee members

Writer Council Members:

  • Crispin Hunt
  • John Truelove
  • Julian Nott
  • Philip Pope
  • Pete Woodroffe
  • Tom Gray

Publisher Council Members:

  • Alex Kassner
  • Antony Bebawi
  • Daniel Lang
  • Jackie Alway OBE
  • John Minch
  • Nigel Gilroy

Independent Non-Executive Council Members:

  • Gill Mansfield
  • Stevie Spring CBE
  • Tom Toumazis MBE (Chair)


  • Paul Clements (CEO MPA Group)

Download the Licensing Committee Terms of Reference

The Licensing Committee Advisory Group (LCAG) brings together knowledge and expertise in production and commercial music to provide advice and guidance to the Licensing Committee, and shape overall licensing strategy at PRS for Music.

LCAG provides insight on current topics and challenges in the licensing of commercial and production music, with representation from writers and publishers to reflect the values of our members. LCAG members are elected by the PRS membership or appointed by the Licensing Committee in the event of a casual vacancy. The LCAG is comprised of a maximum of 10 writer and 10 publisher members. The LCAG is currently chaired by writer member Steve Levine.

Committee Members 


  • Mat Andasun
  • Claire Batchelor
  • Max Brodie
  • Gavin Harrison
  • George Hyde
  • Richard Jacques
  • Steve Levine (Chair)
  • Jasmin Tadjiky
  • Peter Thoms
  • Andy Quin


  • Ed Condon - Warner Chappell Music Limited
  • Simon Golding - Universal Music Publishing Limited
  • Megan Hall - Concord Music Publishing
  • Kieran Lavery - BMG Rights Management (UK) Limited
  • Rick Lansdell - Peermusic (UK) Ltd
  • Jim Mew - Entertainment One UK Ltd
  • Sarah Patching - Extreme Music Library Ltd
  • Howard Price - Standard Music Library (Bucks Music)
  • Maria Scott - West One Music Group
  • Peter Thomas - Sentient Music Limited

This group has been created in place of the Commercial Advisory Group (CAG) and Production Music Advisory Group (PMAG) effective January 2023. As a single forum, the group will have more tools and resources at their disposal and be a fairer representation of our membership.

Download the LCAG Terms of Reference

The Nominations Committee advises the Members’ Council in respect of the appointment of the Chief Executive, appointment of and succession planning for independent non-executive directors to the Council and Board, appointment of writer and publisher Council members to the Board and appointment of the Chair of the Board.

The Committee advises the Board in respect of succession plans for the Chief Executive and senior management.

Nominations Committee members

Writer Council Members:

  • Julian Nott
  • Philip Pope

Publisher Council Members:

  • Alex Kassner
  • Jackie Alway OBE

Independent Non-Executive Council Members:

  • Gill Mansfield
  • Stevie Spring CBE
  • Tom Toumazis MBE
  • Erica Ingham

Download the Nominations and Terms of Reference

The Remuneration Committee advises the Members’ Council in respect of the remuneration package of the CEO, iNEDs and Council Members.

The Committee advises the Board in respect of the remuneration strategy for senior management and executive reward and incentive programmes and policies. Senior management roles are defined as those both reporting to the Chief Executive and forming part of the senior management team of the Company.

The Committee also oversees the overall remuneration of any other employee earning a base salary of £185k or more per annum.

Remuneration Committee members

Writer Council Members:

  • Julian Nott
  • Laura Mvula

Publisher Council Members:

  • Janet Andersen
  • Richard Paine

Independent Non-Executive Council Members:

  • Erica Ingham
  • Stevie Spring CBE
  • Tom Toumazis MBE

Download the Remuneration Terms of Reference

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