
Legal referral service

Our list of qualified music business solicitors have agreed to help you our members with music business issues. All of the solicitors listed are willing to see you without charge, for up to one hour.

We do not vet the contacts so we cannot guarantee their suitability for your specific needs or questions.





Acumen Media & Entertainment Law

Alvin Ittoo/ James Sheath


01273 447 065

Angel & Co

Nigel Angel

London W1

020 7495 0555
BTO Solicitors Paul Motion Edinburgh 0131 222 2939
Wellers Law Group Howard Ricklow London EC3A 2AD

07887 486646
Gunnercooke llp Charlotte O'Mara Manchester 07732 117142
InTune Music Law Thom Cross/ Richard Simon London 07779 645926
Lawdit Solicitors Limited Michael Coyle Southampton 023 8023 5979
Gentle Mathias Bob Page/Jake Gentle London WC1A 020 7631 1811
New Media Law LLP
Ian Penman

Nick Kounoupias
London W1
020 7291 1670
Shepherd & Wedderburn Paul Carlyle London EC4, Edinburgh, Glasgow 020 7429 4900
Simkins LLP Ed Weidman 

London WC1H

020 7874 5600
Taylor & Emmet John Tunnard Sheffield 0114 218 4394

Liam McMonagle

Kirsty Stewart

Dundee 01382 229111
Trainer Shepherd Phillips Melin Haynes & Collins Long Camilla Cockell/Patrick Lawrence/Shannon Preston London W1 020 7734 8303
Glaisyers ETL Peter Pegasiou Manchester 0161 833 6965
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