
MCPS general interest audio visual product royalties

Your music may be used on a variety of general interest audio-visual products (e.g. fitness DVDs, children's shows and multimedia products). Choose an option below to find out more about how we collect money on your behalf.

The AVP Agreement is aimed at companies who use music on DVD and VHS releases to sell to the public, where music is not the primary focus (such as feature films and TV programmes).

How often should you expect to be paid?

Quarterly (2 months in arrears).

Do we pay you for each track used?


What do we charge a customer for the use of your music?

8.5% of highest Published Dealer Price x MCPS Claim

The MCPS Claim = aggregate duration of music in the main production, menu and special features divided by total aggregate linear running time of the main production, menu and special features.

What commission rate do you pay us on the royalties collected?


Special Considerations

Prior approval is not required where music is used in the following:

  • DVD special features: promo music videos, live concert footage etc.
  • Pre-cleared or licensed visuals.
  • Sports footage, fitness videos and children's programming.

What does the scheme exclude?

Any game content; (If the products main feature is a game the whole product is excluded form the AVP scheme, if a game is included in the product but not the main feature, the games content will not be licensed under AVP but the remaining content can be if it meets requirements). Products with reproduced lyrics as graphics. Relevant buyouts (where an existing licence exists and covers manufacture and distribution). Complete recordings of dramatico musical works (we will direct requests to you).

Further Information

Download a complete list of AVP licensees

The MM1 Agreement is aimed at companies who make computer games, utilities and software, that incorporate music, to sell to the public.

How often should you expect to be paid?

Monthly (in arrears).

Do we pay you for each track used?


What do we charge a customer for the use of your music?

Charges are negotiated on an individual basis.

What commission rate do you pay us on the royalties collected?


Special Considerations

Where requested, the licence may cover worldwide distribution providing the clearance can be obtained.

Companies are not charged royalties on promotional copies supplied for promotion or review purposes.

There are no additional charges for copies supplied for rental.

What does the scheme exclude?

Production Music

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