
PRS for Music's Paul Dilorito named Chair of DDEX Board

Paul Dilorito succeeds Richard Thompson, formerly Emeritus CTO of Kobalt Music Group

Paul Dilorito

DDEX, the international standards-setting organization dedicated to improving the exchange of data and information across the music industry, announced today that Paul Dilorito, the Director of Innovation and Partnerships at PRS for Music, has been named Chair of its Board. He succeeds Richard Thompson, formerly Emeritus CTO of Kobalt Music Group. The DDEX Board is made up of executives from the 19 charter members of the organization, which in addition to Dilorito include:

  • Amazon – Jill Chapman
  • Apple Inc. – Nick Williamson (Chair Emeritus)
  • ASCAP – Dena Fletcher
  • Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) – Ed Oshanani
  • GEMA – Thomas Theune
  • Google – FX Nuttall (Executive Board)
  • Kobalt Music – Raphael Amselli
  • Pandora Media Inc. – Tony Brooke
  • PPL – Matt Phipps-Taylor
  • Civil Society of Phonographic Producers (SCPP) – Laurent Fradin
  • SACEM – Pascal Roche (Executive Board)
  • SOCAN – Jeff King
  • Sony Music Entertainment – Kirit Joshi (Executive Board)
  • SoundExchange Inc. – Jonathan Bender
  • Spotify AB – Sung Kyu Choi
  • Tencent Music Entertainment Group – Roberta Fong
  • Universal Music Group – Kim Beauchamp (Executive Board)
  • Warner Music Group – Brigette Boyle

As we move beyond song downloads and streams into a new era of music data exchange involving voice, AI, stems, and additional layers of creator metadata, Paul’s varied experience will be extraordinarily useful at the helm of the DDEX Board. As a Board member for over six years, he has already been one of the chief exponents of DDEX, taking an ever increasing role in improving the industry wide operational landscape.

Kirit Joshi, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer at Sony Music Entertainment and a former Chair of DDEX

I am honored to have been elected by the Board to be the Chair of DDEX. In just over a decade since the release of its first standards, DDEX has been the underpinning of music and related data delivery systems around the world. However, there is still much work to do to continue to streamline current structures as well as expand into new formats and data types. It’s exciting to be at the center of the dynamic, multi-faced market that is the global music industry.

Paul Dilorito

Dilorito joined PRS for Music in 2009 as Head of Business Assurance. Since then he has been an inspirational force behind many of PRS for Music’s initiatives, fulfilling roles as Director of Operations, Director of Operational and Data Strategies, and his current role as Director of Innovation and Partnerships. His past careers in FMCG and government organizations encompass roles in operational, project, and resource management, as well as sales and marketing.

Membership of DDEX is open to any organization with a business interest in digital media content. There are currently over 100 members of DDEX. While a company does not need to become a member to implement any of the DDEX standards, being a member of DDEX provides the opportunity to participate in and influence the development of international standards in the digital value chain. DDEX now has six families of standards that support the entire arc of digital music operations from initial recording through distribution and reporting as well as other types of business transactions in particular sectors of the industry. The standards are being used by all the major players in the digital music industry as well as most smaller organizations and startups. DDEX members participate in regular working group meetings to refine current standards and develop new ones. With standards now in place for the entire value chain, DDEX is now working on protocols for the provision of data support in newer business models such as voice activated services. These will be the focus of DDEX’s upcoming Plenary Meeting, which will take place in late May in Nashville. Attendance is limited to employees of current DDEX member companies.

About DDEX

Formed in 2006, DDEX is an international standards-setting organization made up of leading media companies, music licensing organizations, digital service providers, and technical intermediaries that is dedicated to improving the exchange of data and information across the music industry. To support the automated exchange of information along the digital value chain, DDEX has standardized the format in which information is represented in messages and the method by which the messages are exchanged between business partners. These standards help rights holders, retailers, and technical intermediaries to more effectively communicate information along the digital supply chain. This leads to efficient business transactions, reduced costs, and increased revenues for all sectors involved. DDEX standards are developed and made available for industry-wide implementation. For more information, visit

DDEX Media Contact

Bill Greenwood, Jaybird Communications, 609-221-2374,

About PRS for Music

Here for music since 1914, PRS for Music is a world-leading music collective management organisation representing the rights of more than 175,000 talented songwriters, composers and music publishers. Redefining the global standard for music royalties, PRS for Music ensures songwriters and composers are paid whenever their musical compositions and songs are streamed, downloaded, broadcast, performed and played in public. 

For 110 years it has grown and protected the rights of the music creator community, paying out royalties with more accuracy, transparency and speed. In 2023, PRS for Music paid out £943.6m in royalties and collected a record £1.08 billion in revenues.

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