
UK Music Diversity Taskforce Launch Industry Survey

First cross industry workforce survey launched

UK Music Diversity survey logo

The UK Music Diversity Taskforce launches the first ever music industry workforce diversity survey. It is supported by all elements of the UK music industry and was created to gain an accurate snapshot of diversity in the workplace (with an initial focus on gender and ethnicity) within the UK’s many music businesses.

The distribution of the survey coincides with the first UK Music Diversity Summit, to be held in London on July 12th 2016 at PPL.

It is important that today’s UK music sector is open, transparent and progressive and through this survey, industry will be able to measure, analyse and act upon its findings in order to ensure that the ecosystem behind British music is as representative, vibrant and diverse as the music we export globally.

By repeating the survey in future years, the taskforce will also be able to map out progress and improve opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds to forge a career within the industry. The results will be published later this year.

The UK Music Diversity Taskforce was established late in 2015 by umbrella industry body UK Music with representatives from all of the core industry sectors: major and indie record labels, music publishers, trade organisations, collection societies and the British live music industry. The taskforce is chaired by Keith Harris OBE.


It is important that the music industry is in the vanguard of the creative industries when it comes to equality and diversity, so that we can make the most of the benefits of having such a diverse society, which has served Britain so well in the past.

Keith Harris OBE - Chair, UK Music Diversity Taskforce

The economic and cultural success of British music over the last couple of years has been astronomical. For us to continue such success we need a strong entry-point pipeline of diverse talent as well as career progression and a diverse management at the top. It seems obvious, but businesses with Boards which properly reflect the public and the consumer do better than businesses with Boards that do not.

Jo Dipple – CEO, UK Music

Music is proud of its artists’ diversity but this should be better reflected across the executives who lead and shape the industry. We need the best talent to get opportunities at every level of the sector. The BPI welcomes this important work and will play its part. The survey is a vital first step so we can get a snap shot of what the industry currently looks like.

Ayesha Hazarika– Senior Advisor, BPI

I am delighted that UK Music is once again taking the lead in addressing equality and diversity issues in the music industry. The music industry consists of 120,000 workers; not all of them perform (or want to perform!) onstage but skilfully carry out other incredible functions such as managing the complex royalty accounting systems necessary in this digital age, negotiate the contracts for the artists and businesses throughout the industry, design the marketing strategies that ensure artists’ songs become hits…and on. And so it is as important to look at the demographics of these people as it is the stars in order to ensure the best people possible are given opportunities to work in this exciting industry, not just the privileged few. I look forward to reading the results of this important research and will encourage as many companies as I can to complete it.

Vick Bain - CEO, BASCA

If you are a music business or employee and wish to participate, please contact:

Complete the survey

For further information on the survey please contact:

James Murtagh-Hopkins / Director of Communications, UK Music
0203 713 8444

About UK Music:

UK Music is the umbrella organisation which represents the collective interests of the UK’s commercial music industry - from artists, musicians, songwriters and composers, to record labels, music managers, music publishers, studio producers, music licensing organisations and the live music industry. The members of UK Music are: AIM, BASCA, BPI, FAC, MMF, MPA, MPG, MU, PPL, PRS for Music and the Live Music Group.

About PRS for Music

Here for music since 1914, PRS for Music is a world-leading music collective management organisation representing the rights of more than 175,000 talented songwriters, composers and music publishers. Redefining the global standard for music royalties, PRS for Music ensures songwriters and composers are paid whenever their musical compositions and songs are streamed, downloaded, broadcast, performed and played in public. 

For 110 years it has grown and protected the rights of the music creator community, paying out royalties with more accuracy, transparency and speed. In 2023, PRS for Music paid out £943.6m in royalties and collected a record £1.08 billion in revenues.

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