
PRS for Music to simplify over 40 public performance tariffs in extensive review

PRS for Music is conducting one of the most extensive tariff reviews in its recent history

PRS for Music, the organisation that represents the rights of 111,000 songwriters, composers and music publishers, is conducting one of the most extensive tariff reviews in its recent history as part of a Public Performance Tariff Simplification programme.

The aim of the programme is to simplify, streamline and consolidate over 40 public performance tariffs, creating a smoother customer experience that makes it easier to acquire a licence.

The simplification review will comprise a series of customer consultations across the public performance tariffs operated by PRS and the responses will help inform and shape a set of tariffs that are simple to understand, operate and fit for purpose.


The purpose of the simplification programme is to create tariffs that are easy to understand and use. By reviewing public performance tariffs across a number of sectors, our aim is that customers can continue to utilise and enjoy PRS for Music’s repertoire in a simpler and more efficient way. The consultations will provide opportunities to engage with our customers offering them open lines of communication with us, as PRS seeks to ensure that we continue to operate modern and appropriate licensing schemes.

Rob Kirkham, Head of Business Development, PPS

The first consultations to be launched as part of the review include Fitness and Dance (Tariffs J, GP, O and DS) which apply to the use of music at Proprietary Clubs, Swimming Pools, Dance Tuition Schools and for General Purposes, and at Universities and Higher Education institutions (Tariff UC), which applies to the public performance of music outside the teaching syllabus, at premises for students or staff.

As part of the consultations, PRS for Music will invite responses from all its current customers in the relevant sectors and welcomes comments from other interested parties. Further information about how to participate in the upcoming consultations, can be found here – Customer Consultation


Notes to Editors

About the Public Performance Tariff Simplification programme

  • The average age for the tariffs is 20 years
  • The simplification process does not include the Popular Music Concerts Tariff (‘Tariff LP’) Consultation which is a separate review.

About the Fitness and Dance (Tariffs J, GP, O and DS)

  • The tariff is applied to premises in the Fitness and Dance sector that are currently licensed under the tariffs for Proprietary Clubs, General Purposes, Swimming Pools and Dance Tuition Schools
  • The consultation will run for 4 weeks as of the 7th September, 2015; the response deadline is 5th October 2015
  • Visit to find out more about the consultation process

About Universities and Higher education institutions (Tariff UC)

  • The tariff is applied to the ‘public performance’ of music outside the teaching syllabus, at premises for students or staff (for example through TV, radio, stereo systems, computers, or at live music events). It was agreed in 1996
  • The tariff does not apply to:
     - Further Education Colleges – PRS licenses these institutions using tariff FE. The tariff applies to sixth form colleges and colleges of Further Education
     - Educational Establishments – PRS licenses these institutions using tariff EE. The tariff applies to schools that are wholly or partially government-funded, including all primary and secondary schools – or any combination thereof – including special schools, independent (‘private’ and ‘public’) schools, and where the school provides extended hours care for pupils, nurseries, pre-schools or playgroups forming part of any school.
  • The consultation will run for 8 weeks as of the 14th September, 2015; the response deadline is 9th November 2015
  • Visit to find out more about the consultation process (active as of the 14th of September).

About PRS for Music

Here for music since 1914, PRS for Music is a world-leading music collective management organisation representing the rights of more than 175,000 talented songwriters, composers and music publishers. Redefining the global standard for music royalties, PRS for Music ensures songwriters and composers are paid whenever their musical compositions and songs are streamed, downloaded, broadcast, performed and played in public. 

For 110 years it has grown and protected the rights of the music creator community, paying out royalties with more accuracy, transparency and speed. In 2023, PRS for Music paid out £943.6m in royalties and collected a record £1.08 billion in revenues.

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