
Birmingham business owners would turn down heating rather than silence the music

Music makes the world – and the workplace – go round

New research among businesses in Birmingham and the West Midlands region reveals the benefits of music in the workplace to owners, employees and customers alike.

80% of small to medium sized businesses in Birmingham and also 80% of those in the West Midlands say that playing music in the workplace increases staff morale. Additionally, 87% in Birmingham (88% in the region) believe that it creates a better working environment for staff. 

The research is published by MusicWorks, a joint initiative of PPL and PRS for Music who represent thousands of composers, performers, publishers and record companies.

A huge 90% in Birmingham (91% in the region) believe that playing music makes staff and customers happier.

The research also found that 72% in Birmingham (71.2% in the region) say music in the workplace makes their employees more productive.

Furthermore of those surveyed two in five (41%) in the region believe that playing music can increase sales or results for the business.

The research also asked about cost-cutting in these times of austerity. The results showed that business owners and managers are so passionate about music in the workplace that 31% in Birmingham - and 29% in the West Midlands overall - would even consider turning down the central heating rather than lose music at work.


Playing music has huge benefits to business owners and customers alike, and these results from the West Midlands show that people running businesses in the region really value hearing music in the workplace.

Paul Clements, Director of Public Performance Sales, PRS for Music

We know that music at work has many benefits and the research shows how highly it is valued among business owners and managers. Many would even prefer to be colder at work than turn off the music!

Christine Geissmar, Director of Operations, PPL

Music can positively influence mood and emotional states by stimulating body, mind and memories. Silence by comparison can feel particularly intrusive in the retail world, as it may throw unwelcome attention on the consumers’ behaviour.

Providing the option of music listening for people is a great way to bring a sense of pleasure and relaxation to the work environment, thereby promoting a positive attitude, higher job satisfaction and boosting a sense of brand identity and loyalty. Many people who are used to music in their lives feel that, by comparison, a silent environment lacks an important, personal, and creative source of energy.

Music Psychologist, Dr Vicky Williamson

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Notes to Editors

  • These latest findings are part of the joint MusicWorks campaign from PPL and PRS for Music. Since being founded in 2009 by both PPL and PRS for Music, MusicWorks has been at the forefront of valuable research highlighting the financial and emotional benefits that music can bring to business, across sectors. More information on the project can be found at: Twitter: @MusicWorksUK/ #MusicWorks
  • Research was conducted amongst 600 West Midlands SMEs (with between 2-250 employees) in May/June 2013, by DJS on behalf of PPL and PRS for Music. Of the 600 businesses were 200 from Birmingham, 200 from Coventry and 200 from Wolverhampton – each sample comprised 100 general businesses and 100 hospitality sector businesses such as cafes, bars and restaurants.

PPL is a not for profit company which licenses recorded music for broadcast, online and public performance use. Public performance licenses are issued by PPL to thousands of UK businesses and organisations across sectors who play recorded music to their staff or customers and who thereby require a licence by law. Established in 1934, PPL carries out this role on behalf of 10,000 record company and 65,000 performer members - all of whom are entitled to be fairly paid for the use of their recording and performances. For further information please visit

About PRS for Music

Here for music since 1914, PRS for Music is a world-leading music collective management organisation representing the rights of more than 175,000 talented songwriters, composers and music publishers. Redefining the global standard for music royalties, PRS for Music ensures songwriters and composers are paid whenever their musical compositions and songs are streamed, downloaded, broadcast, performed and played in public. 

For 110 years it has grown and protected the rights of the music creator community, paying out royalties with more accuracy, transparency and speed. In 2023, PRS for Music paid out £943.6m in royalties and collected a record £1.08 billion in revenues.

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