
PRS for Music competition to put live music back at the heart of pubs

PRS for Music competition to put live music back at the heart of pubs

PRS for Music today launches Music Makeover 2012 ahead of the important Live Music Act 2012 which comes into affect this October.

The Music Makeover’s £5,000 helps pubs create the right space for music so they can remain competitive and crucially, a key destination for locals to enjoy. The passing of the Live Music Act means small venues in England and Wales (under a 200-person capacity) will no longer need local authority permission to host performances of live music.  PRS for Music will be contacting 41,000 pubs with a comprehensive guide to making live music work including tips on genre choice, stage lighting, jukeboxes, gig promotion and ticketing.

Research conducted by PRS for Music with pub-data specialists CGA Strategy Ltd. indentified a significant positive impact of live and recorded music on sales in pubs – an increase of £667 on Fridays and Saturdays and 36 more units each day during the week. In deeply challenging economic times for the great British pub, the research confirms that live music is a vital life-line to many venues.


Don’t even start me on the importance of the pub circuit. In the early days we were always gigging in local pubs, throwing our kit in the back of the van and motoring from town to town. We pretty much mastered our live sound and style in those old pubs.

Francis Rossi - Status Quo

Pubs play such a vital role in many musicians’ careers and provide an essential platform from which talent can grow. Demonstrating how music can really benefit pubs underlines how intertwined the two industries are. We need to protect and support the pub sector and the live music circuit as they are both such an integral part of the UK cultural scene.

Horace Trubridge - Musicians’ Union

We were extremely pleased to win – pleased for us and for the pub. The prize money will be a great boost for the pub and the community. This will put The Market Inn on the map for music. We’re already receiving demos from local bands who want to play here.

Last year’s Music Makeover winner David Pott of The Market Inn, Faversham

Notes to Editors:

Key findings of the research included:

There is a significant uplift for music venues compared to non-music venue:

  • Fri/Sat - Average value rate of sale uplift: 48.2%
  • Weekdays - Average value rate of sale uplift: 21%

On average music venues:

  • Take £306 more per day on wet sales (at weekends this can rise to as much as £667 per venue per day)
  • Sell 36 more units/products per day (at weekends this can rise to as much as 86 more units per day)

Music Makeover entries will be whittled down to three finalists who will be visited by industry expert judges looking for a venue with untapped potential for music, and landlords who display the greatest desire to make live music a key feature of their pub. Judges include representatives from British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) and Musicians Union (MU). The overall winner will be announced by 31 December 2012.

About PRS for Music

Here for music since 1914, PRS for Music is a world-leading music collective management organisation representing the rights of more than 175,000 talented songwriters, composers and music publishers. Redefining the global standard for music royalties, PRS for Music ensures songwriters and composers are paid whenever their musical compositions and songs are streamed, downloaded, broadcast, performed and played in public. 

For 110 years it has grown and protected the rights of the music creator community, paying out royalties with more accuracy, transparency and speed. In 2023, PRS for Music paid out £943.6m in royalties and collected a record £1.08 billion in revenues.

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