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YouTube to update Content ID dispute process

YouTube has unveiled updates to its Content ID dispute process in response to concerns from its user community about revenue losses.

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 29 Apr 2016
  • min read
YouTube has unveiled updates to its Content ID dispute process in response to concerns from its user community about revenue losses.

David Rosenstein, Content ID Group product manager, made the announcement in a post on the YouTube Creator Blog.

Currently, all videos that have claims and disputes do not generate any revenue, meaning creators can potentially lose out on money when videos receive views.

David unveiled a new solution, stating that an update will mean YouTube continue to run ads on videos in dispute and hold the resulting revenue. Once the dispute is resolved, then the held monies will be distributed to the relevant parties.

He said: ‘We’re working on this new system now and hope to roll it out to all YouTube partners in the coming months.

‘We strongly believe in fair use and believe that this improvement to Content ID will make a real difference. In addition to our work on the Content ID dispute process, we’re also paying close attention to creators’ concerns about copyright claims on videos they believe may be fair use.’

YouTube has recently unveiled its fair use protection programme.

Read the full blog post on the YouTube Creator Blog.