wantsum music

Young musicians from East Kent launch record label for emerging artists

The collective behind Wantsum Music? are focused on emerging artists across Thanet, East Kent, and beyond and helping them find their own voices and footing in the music scene.

Jamie MacMillan
  • By Jamie MacMillan
  • 12 Nov 2021
  • min read

A group of talented young local musicians from East Kent have launched a new record label, Wantsum Music? to give fellow aspiring musicians a platform to promote and distribute their music. The group, originally brought together through Ramsgate youth music charity Pie Factory Music’s Emerging Artists programme, aim to help other musicians regardless of age, genre, location or experience.

After a year of developing their own talents with the help of some local music industry mentors, the collective behind Wantsum Music? are focussed on emerging artists across Thanet and beyond, helping them find their own voices and footing in the music scene.

Launching on December 2 at Tom Thumb Theatre in Margate, the label is supported by Pie Factory Music through funding from Youth Music and Thanet-based global record label Moshi Moshi Music. Pie Factory Music celebrates its twentieth anniversary next year, a period in which it has transformed lives and opened opportunities for hundreds of young people through music and the Emerging Artists Programme.

The Emerging Artists, Connor Beerling, Zico Briki, Claire Pitt Wigmore, Adam Pullman and Conor Stanfield, say: 'We want to give local young musicians similar opportunities and support to what we received as part of the Emerging Artists programme. It was clear to all of us that Thanet is a booming area for the creative arts, and we believe that young musicians need and deserve a way to showcase their talents too. Being signed up to a huge record label is daunting, and we’d been really inspired by what our Mentor from Moshi Moshi Music had achieved - they fully supported our ambition and so we’ve taken the initiative.'

Zoe Carassik-Lord, Pie Music Factory programme manager, says: 'I was being approached by more and more young musicians in our youth club sessions about how to get gigs, how to release music, how to ‘get signed’, and I realised there was a real need for a programme for young musicians dedicated to learning this stuff.'

Michael McClatchey of Moshi Moshi Music says: 'Having worked in music for a number of years it's easy to lose sight of what first drew you to running a record label. Working with the group on Wantsum Music? has served as a reminder of that and their enthusiasm and ambition has been a tonic for me.'

Steph Dickinson, Pie Music Factory managing director, says: 'To see a group of Pie’s young people come together to create an innovative new venture for fellow young people is astounding. We couldn’t be more proud or excited about Wantsum Music? In a time when young people face unprecedented challenges, the Emerging Artists are leading us into 2022 full of hope and inspiration. We urge everyone to support the group and the label – listen, like, share, join!'

Wantsum Music? launch party tickets available on door, Tom Thumb Theatre, Thursday 2 December 2021.