Vote for your Scottish Album of the Year Award

Belle and Sebastian, Idlewild and Mogwai are among the acts you can now vote for in the Scottish Album of the Year (SAY) Award.

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 26 May 2015
  • min read
Belle and Sebastian, Idlewild and Mogwai are among the acts you can now vote for in the Scottish Album of the Year (SAY) Award.

The public vote is open until midnight on Wednesday 27 May with the public’s choice guaranteed a slot on the shortlist. This will be revealed on the evening of Thursday 28 May at an event in Glasgow.

Young Fathers, the Phantom Band and Mogwai are also among the 20 longlisted acts you can vote for. This list was unveiled four weeks ago, giving judges and music fans to get to know the acts and their records.

The album with the most votes at midnight on Wednesday will automatically make the list, earning a guaranteed £1,000 and the chance to be hailed SAY 2015 if it pockets the £20,000 first prize.

Stewart Henderson, chair of the Scottish Music Industry Association (SMIA), said: ‘The public vote is a crucial part of the SAY Award’s format because we’re asking the same of the public as we are of our judges: you’ve had four weeks to listen to these 20 albums - which one’s your favourite?

‘A slot on the shortlist has real meaning, materially benefiting the artist, so it’s important that music fans from all over the world have a say in which album makes the cut. The SAY Award is the UK’s most lucrative and progressive music prize and our public vote helps to ensure that the peoples’ choice always features in our shortlist.’

The longlist of acts you can vote for is below. Visit to vote for your favourite now.

Belle and Sebastian - Girls In Peacetime Want To Dance
Blue Rose Code - The Ballads of Peckham Rye
Errors - Lease of Life
Fatherson - I Am An Island
Happy Meals - Apéro
Honeyblood - Honeyblood
Idlewild - Everything Ever Written
Kathryn Joseph - Bones You Have Thrown Me and Blood I’ve Spilled
King Creosote - From Scotland With Love
Mike Vass - In The Wake of Neil Gunn
Mogwai - Rave Tapes
Paolo Nutini - Caustic Love
PAWS - Youth Culture Forever
Slam - Reverse Proceed
The Amazing Snakeheads - Amphetamine Ballads
The Phantom Band - Strange Friend
The Twilight Sad - Nobody Wants To Be Here and Nobody Wants To Leave
Treacherous Orchestra - Grind
Withered Hand - New Gods
Young Fathers - DEAD