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Upcoming seminar to explore monetising digital content

The Westminster eForum Keynote Seminar will explore the next steps for monetising digital content - including revenue models, value exchange and options for intervention.

  • By Lucy Doyle
  • 22 Nov 2018
  • min read
The Westminster eForum Keynote Seminar has announced a seminar exploring the next steps for monetising digital content - including revenue models, value exchange and options for intervention.

The conference, which takes place on 13 December in Central London, will consider developments in the monetisation of digital content including 'the latest thinking on trends, challenges and strategies - and options for policy and industry in developing fair and sustainable systems of value exchange.'

Speakers will include PRS for Music's head of policy and public affairs, John Mottram, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport's deputy director and head of media policy, Ben Dean, and Guardian Media Group's head of public policy, Matt Rogerson.

With debate currently surrounding the proposed European Copyright Directive, the session will focus on the implications for platforms and publishers, as well as the future for value exchange and remuneration for creators and IP owners.

Delegates will also discuss advertising-based, subscription and hybrid monetisation models being used in the industry, developments in policy around copyright, and data usage and protection, and the latest thinking on regulation and policy in the UK and further afield.

For more information on the Next steps for monetising digital content - revenue models, value exchange and options for intervention event, and to book your place, head to the online booking form here.