
UK’s love of music driven by streaming growth and physical formats

The BPI reports that data from the IFPI’s 2019 Music Listening Report reveals that the UK’s love of music has been developed by the growth in streaming combined with continuing access to music on physical formats.

Bekki Bemrose
  • By Bekki Bemrose
  • 24 Sep 2019
  • min read
The BPI reports that data from the IFPI’s 2019 Music Listening Report reveals that the UK’s love of music has been developed by the growth in streaming combined with continuing access to music on physical formats.

The data suggest that the UK is a nation of music lovers with 57 percent of respondents saying that they love or are ‘fanatical’ about music, compared with a global average of 54 percent.

Overall the UK ranks fourth in the world on this question, yet the UK’s 16 to 24-year-olds rank even higher with 70 percent saying they love or are ‘fanatical’ about music, surpassing the global average of 63 percent.

The research suggests streaming services are driving engagement and that growth is strongest among 25 to 34 year olds.

While growth isn’t as strong in 16 to 24 year olds, the report reveals they are the most engaged and 69 percent of them had used a streaming service in the past day, with the global average sitting at 63 percent.

Despite the rise of streaming physical formats are still holding their own and the UK ranks higher than the global average in terms of CD and LP purchasing.

According to the IFPI 30 percent of British consumers buy music on a monthly basis, at least, compared to a global average of 26 percent.

In terms of how we listen to music smartphones and speakers now claim nearly a quarter (23 percent) of UK consumer listening, which is lower than the global average of 27 percent, due largely to the high smartphone engagement in countries like China, India and Latin America.

With an average listening time of 17 hours per week, almost a third (32 percent) of Brits’ music listening takes place on radio – the global average is 29 percent.

While 64 percent of UK consumers say they listen to pop, making it the UK’s favourite genre, 11 percent of UK survey respondents said they listen to grime.

Only 3 percent said they listened to it globally suggesting the genre is a particularly British phenomenon.

Geoff Taylor, chief executive BPI & BRIT Awards, says: ‘The way we make and discover music may be going through a radical shift, but the passion we Brits have for the music we love never changes. There are now more ways to access and enjoy the songs and albums we love – whether on radio, our smart phones and speakers and, of course, on turn-tables and CD players. And with all this choice, we are giving more people across all ages the opportunity to engage with the music they love the way they want to.’

Frances Moore, chief executive of IFPI, adds: ‘This year’s report tells an exciting story of how fans are increasingly engaging with music. At a time when multiple forms of media vie for fans’ attention, they are not only choosing to spend more of their time listening to – and engaging with – music but they are doing so in increasingly diverse ways.

‘The enduring partnership between record companies and artists is the bedrock on which this growing, exciting global world of passionate music listeners is built. Record companies work with their artists to help connect them with fans around the world.

‘The report also highlights that the availability of music through unlicensed methods, or copyright infringement, remains a real threat to the music ecosystem. Practices such as stream ripping are still prevalent and return nothing to those who create and invest in music. We continue to coordinate world-wide action to address this.’

Read the full IFPI Music Listening Report here.