Yesterday (Tuesday) the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs committee approved the provisional agreement on the Copyright Directive and UK Music have subsequently urged MEPs and the EU Council to support the Directive.
The European Parliament adopted the compromise text by 16 votes to nine, which means the Directive will now proceed to a plenary vote in a few weeks’ time.
The deal reached between EU negotiators intends to guarantee the rights and obligations of copyright law will also apply to the internet.
Following the decision made by the European Parliament Legal Affairs committee, UK Music has issued the following statement on behalf of its members:
‘UK Music and its members have always supported constructive steps to foster a fair music Iicensing environment that benefits creators, performers and those who invest in them. We have campaigned for this together through #LoveMusic and the final compromise text of the Copyright Directive is a notable step in that direction.
‘In relation to Article 13, we welcome the fact that the compromise text clearly establishes that Online Content Sharing Service Providers should not be entitled to avoid the need to secure licences from rightsholders. As has been widely reported, the text of this Article in particular has been the subject of fierce and passionate debate and the final result includes a number of compromises.
‘With this in mind, we ask the EU Council and MEPs to support the Directive.’
For more information about Article 13 of the European Copyright Directive, please visit
The European Parliament adopted the compromise text by 16 votes to nine, which means the Directive will now proceed to a plenary vote in a few weeks’ time.
The deal reached between EU negotiators intends to guarantee the rights and obligations of copyright law will also apply to the internet.
Following the decision made by the European Parliament Legal Affairs committee, UK Music has issued the following statement on behalf of its members:
‘UK Music and its members have always supported constructive steps to foster a fair music Iicensing environment that benefits creators, performers and those who invest in them. We have campaigned for this together through #LoveMusic and the final compromise text of the Copyright Directive is a notable step in that direction.
‘In relation to Article 13, we welcome the fact that the compromise text clearly establishes that Online Content Sharing Service Providers should not be entitled to avoid the need to secure licences from rightsholders. As has been widely reported, the text of this Article in particular has been the subject of fierce and passionate debate and the final result includes a number of compromises.
‘With this in mind, we ask the EU Council and MEPs to support the Directive.’
For more information about Article 13 of the European Copyright Directive, please visit