UK Music urge party leaders to support British music industry

Maya Radcliffe
  • By Maya Radcliffe
  • 8 Nov 2019
  • min read
UK Music has written to political leaders to urge them to support measures in their manifestos that will secure the future of Britain’s music industry.

Michael Dugher, chief executive, UK Music, has asked all candidates contesting in the upcoming General Election to include policies that will protect copyright, secure the music industry’s talent pipeline and increase entrepreneurial support.

Dugher said: ‘The UK music industry supports well over hundreds of thousands of jobs and contributes a massive amount to both the British economy and our cultural life.

‘This General Election could be game-changing for all sorts of reasons and I’m determined to make sure that the voice of our vibrant and diverse music industry is heard loud and clear – whoever ends up in Downing Street.

‘Whilst the British music industry continues to be a world-leader and British music gives pleasure to millions, there are several critical steps our policymakers could and should take to help creators and to music businesses keep growing.

‘We have set out some steps that the next government should take to back the British music industry at home and overseas to help us protect the talent pipeline of the future. That means doing a lot more to provide opportunities, including in education, for young people from all backgrounds.

‘Other measures include ensuring that there are more financial incentives, including via the tax system, to help support the industry, as well as providing better copyright protection for music creators so that creators and investors, who are too often exploited by big tech, receive fair rewards for their content.

‘We also want to see proposals to protect our cherished grassroots music venues through action to deal with soaring business rates bills and a plan to help artists grow their overseas audiences’.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson were among those contacted.

UK Music will release a report into the health of the industry on 20 November 2019.