
UK music and creative industries made record £100bn in 2017

The UK's creative industries made a record contribution to the economy in 2017, breaching the £100bn mark.

  • By Lucy Doyle
  • 30 Nov 2018
  • min read
The UK's creative industries made a record contribution to the economy in 2017, breaching the £100bn mark.

According to new figures, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport's sectors are now worth £268bn.

Its value of the creative industries to the UK is up from £94.8bn in 2016 to £101.5bn, and has grown at nearly twice the rate of the economy since 2010.

Music, film, TV, radio, photography, advertising, museums, galleries and digital are all part of this thriving sector.

Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Jeremy Wright said: 'Our creative industries not only fly the flag for the best of British creativity at home and abroad but they are also at the heart of our economy.

'Today they have broken the £100bn mark and continue on a hugely positive upward trajectory, outperforming the wider UK economy and bringing joy and entertainment to millions.

'We’re doing all we can to support the sector’s talent and entrepreneurship as we build a Britain that is fit for future.'

The figures from the report added that the strength of the creative industries is matched by 'the UK's world leading digital and tech sector, which has seen its contribution to the UK economy increase by 7.3 percent between 2016 and 2017 and by 32.9 percent since 2010. It is now worth more than £130bn.'