Artists missing out on 'neighbouring rights' income

TGE2014: Artists could be missing out on important ‘neighbouring rights’ income, songwriter and producer Crispin Hunt has told delegates at The Great Escape this afternoon.

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 8 May 2014
  • min read
Talking on the How Artists Can Earn More Cash From Copyright: Neighbouring Rights panel, Hunt urged artists to keep an eye on every income-generating possibility – especially neighbouring rights.

This important revenue stream refers to a form of copyright linked to commercially released recordings, generally administered in the UK by the PPL collecting society.

Anyone featuring on a recording – from session musicians and backing singers to lead artists and producers – are entitled to earn whenever it is broadcast on the radio or TV, or performed in public, for example in bars and shops.

‘Make sure you’ve registered all your works with a collecting society and keep an eye on all your registrations,’ said Hunt, who is also co-chief executive of Featured Artist Coalition (FAC).

‘It’s not until the work is released by a record label that you can register your interest in it, so it’s worth taking an accurate note of all the tracks you perform on so you can watch out for their release date.’

Peter Leatham, chief executive of PPL, also on the panel, added: ‘Over the last four years, neighbouring rights has become one of the fastest growing revenues streams for our members.

‘We are registering 60,000 new sound recordings every month on our database. But what performers need to do is ensure they are correctly registering their interest in all these works. There is income to be earned in the UK and overseas.’

For more information on PPL and neighbouring rights, please visit