
Submit your score to Open Circuit Festival 2019

Are you an innovative composer looking for your next commission? Submit your sounds for performance at the Open Circuit Festival 2019.

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 2 Jan 2019
  • min read
Are you an innovative composer looking for your next commission? Submit your sounds for performance at the Open Circuit Festival 2019.

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Composition and Technology (ICCaT) and the Department of Music at the University of Liverpool are seeking submissions of ‘dynamic audiovisual scores’.

Successful applicants will have their music included in concert of digitally-mediated works and improvisations at the Interactive Traces 2019, which features at the annual Open Circuit Festival.

The works will be performed by the Ligeti Quartet, so scores must include parts for two violins, viola and cello. They should also feature digital visual media where possible.

The deadline to submit your work is 7 January. All entries will be evaluated anonymously.

The concert will take place at The Hub in the Department of Music at the University of Liverpool on 16 March.

Learn more about the opportunity and enter at