Rough Trade offers free downloads with physical sales

Independent music retailer Rough Trade is to offer customers automatic downloads of their physical in-store purchases.

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 22 Apr 2013
  • min read
In an interview US trade magazine Billboard, the company's co-owner Stephen Godfroy revealed that the scheme would be launched imminently.

The move echoes Amazon’s recently launched ‘auto rip’ scheme that allows customers to download a free digital copy of physical purchases they made through the e-tailer, going back as far as 1998.

Godfrey said: ‘Our tills marry the offline purchases with the customers' online account, creating a seamless multi-format, multi-channel offer. It's a world first, developed by us, something we expect to prove very popular when we introduce into the US later in the year.’

Last week Rough Trade reported a 25 percent sales increase for the first quarter of 2013. The independent retailer said it had seen double-digit growth each year since opening a new flagship store, Rough Trade East, in 2007.