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PRS members invited to get involved in next AGM

The next Performing Right Society Limited Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 21 May 2019, with all full members urged to consider standing for the PRS Board.

Paul Nichols headshot
  • By Paul Nichols
  • 17 Dec 2018
  • min read
The next Performing Right Society Limited Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 21 May 2019, with all full members urged to consider standing for the PRS Board.

The AGM provides an opportunity to hear from the chairman Nigel Elderton and the senior leadership team, ask questions and receive the annual report and accounts. PRS is urging all full and associate members to make their votes count in the Directors Ballot leading up to the AGM and all full members to consider standing.

The board plays an important role at PRS shaping strategy and working to promote the society on behalf of all members. It consists of 25 directors - 11 writers and 11 publishers, two external directors and the chief executive.

The board meets up to six times a year at PRS for Music’s Kings Cross office and directors are also expected to serve on at least one committee.

Full writer or publisher members wishing to stand must be nominated by 10 other full members, and the deadline for applications and supporting information is 5pm on 21 February 2019.

Directors are appointed for a three-year term and are usually eligible to stand for reappointment following their retirement at the third AGM after their appointment.

John Truelove, writer director, told M: ‘Directors make the important decisions that affect all members. It is vital for the future health and success of the society that there are new faces with different experiences bringing fresh perspectives. Please, go for it - we need you!’

Writer director Jim Duguid added: ‘This society has a great purpose in this new digital age and I would urge songwriters in particular to get involved.

'It exists for you and your works and that of the member writers and publishers. Your opinion and experience as a writer is incredibly valuable to the wider society and you really can make a difference by getting involved.’

Any full member interested in standing for election should contact Jenny Goodwin, PRS for Music’s head of secretariat, at