PRS for Music offers college scholarships

PRS for Music is offering five scholarships to students who wish to study on one of Brighton Institute of Modern Music’s (BIMM) new Springboard Diplomas.

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 11 Jul 2012
  • min read
The scholarships are for one year Artist Development courses in Songwriting or the one year Entrepreneurs Diploma in Music Business. Both programmes are designed to improve employment opportunities within the music industry and equip students with skills and knowledge to progress their careers.

PRS for Music said the purpose of the scholarships was to help ensure equality of opportunity for young people, to raise aspirations and educational attainment and improve employment prospects within the music industry.

BIMM’s Head of Songwriting Ian Sillett, who has performed with Sir Paul McCartney, Mark Knopfler and Sugababes, said: ‘These fantastic songwriting diploma courses at BIMM engage the student with every nuance a budding songwriter and composer could ever ask for, delivered by the very best in the business.’

PRS for Music’s scholarship programme will grant £1,000 towards course fees to five successful applicants. Please ring 08442 646666 or email for more information. The deadline for applications is 30 July 2012. Minimum entry requirements are four GCSEs at C or above. This qualification is equivalent to two A Levels.

For further course information:

More information on the BIMM courses in Brighton.