
PRS for Music harness MRT for usage detection in advertising

PRS for Music is using music recognition technology to identify music usage in advertisements internationally, to the benefit of its members.

Bekki Bemrose
  • By Bekki Bemrose
  • 9 Oct 2019
  • min read
PRS for Music is using music recognition technology to identify music usage in advertisements internationally, to the benefit of its members.

Speaking at Music Week’s Tech Summit 2019 PRS for Music’s director of international, Sami Valkonen, revealed how MRT is being used in the lucrative area of advertising.

He said: ‘Music recognition technology is absolutely key these days to allowing us to recognise your audio content around the world. I have a team of specialists who use MRT to audit programmes and make sure that all the PRS music usage is reported.

‘It’s specifically important for capturing advertisements, because they often go unrecognised. And there is a lot of money in advertisements because if an ad runs and it’s a global campaign, and it runs 100 times in each country, that is a lot of usage.’

PRS for Music represents 140,00 songwriters, composers and publishers and Valkonen went on to give an example of how one member had benefitted from its use of the technology.

‘We just recently found the Trivago ad had been reported in some key countries, and it was almost a life-changing amount of money that we were able to get to our member,’ he explained.