PRS for Music Foundation to deliver £500k music fund

Arts Council England has selected PRS for Music Foundation to deliver its new Music Industry Talent Development Fund, which will inject £500,000 into the sector over the next two years.

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 17 Jan 2013
  • min read
The fund has been set up to provide vital financial support for songwriters, artists and bands to take their career to the next level. Grants of up to £15,000 will be available for emerging and mid-career artists to develop their recording, writing, performing and touring ambitions.

The Foundation is contributing £50,000 to the scheme, and will work in partnership with other music industry bodies to maximise resources available to the  musicians who will benefit from the fund. Details of these partnerships will emerge over the coming weeks and months.

Arts Council England Chief Executive Alan Davey said: ‘Changes in the financial environment means that it is becoming increasingly difficult for talent to find the right kind of investment at the right time to allow them to get to the stage of making a living from creating and performing music.

‘That’s what this fund is all about – I’m passionate about talent that has something to say being able to say it and be heard. This fund is the beginning of something that I hope will grow, and that we will learn from.’

Vanessa Reed, Chief Executive of PRS for Music Foundation, added:As the UK's leading funder of new music and the songwriters who create it, we're proud to be delivering and contributing to this crucial talent development fund.

‘Arts Council England has shown a real understanding of the music industry's current challenges by making new investment available to talented solo artists and bands who need financial support to break through to the next level. We're looking forward to using our 12 years experience as a music industry funder and our extensive network of industry partners, experts, talented songwriters and musicians to ensure that this fund has a tangible and lasting impact.’

The Music Industry Talent Development Fund will be launched to the public in May. More details will be published on over the coming months.