Pop stars call for fair ticketing

Pink Floyd’s Nick Mason and Blur’s Dave Rowntree are among a number of musicians to sign an anti-profiteering ticket charter.

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 14 Dec 2012
  • min read
Pink Floyd’s Nick Mason and Blur’s Dave Rowntree are among a number of musicians to sign an anti-profiteering ticket charter.

Annie Lennox, Kate Nash and Sandie Shaw, as board members of the UK’s Featured Artists Coalition (FAC), have all pledged their support for the proposals which call for an end to secondary ticketing outlets.

Radiohead, Orbital and the organisers behind UK festivals Secret Garden Party and Bestival are among the 90 signatories on the pledge.

The charter demands secondary ticket sellers stop selling tickets for signatory’s events.

Ben Turner, AIF co-founder and vice chair, said:  ‘AIF is delighted to see large parts of the live industry and now the artist community backing our Charter.

'It is time the music business stands united on this issue and this huge statement from FAC is a massive boost to the millions of music fans out there who are being misled by many promoters from around the world.’

Secondary ticketing was highlighted in a recent Channel 4’s Dispatches programme with the practice accused of trying to legitimise touting.

View the charter on the Association of Independent Festivals website.