Norwich Sound + Vision 2014 opens with a bang

Wiley, The Wytches (left) and Sam Brookes are among the acts performing at this year’s Norwich Sound + Vision festival.

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 8 Oct 2014
  • min read
The Wytches will play at a PRS for Music sponsored showcase on 9 October at Norwich Arts Centre alongside God Damn and Telegram.

Wiley will perform on 11 October at Hideout with support from JuxtaPoser and Tropico, while acoustic troubadour Sam Brookes will appear at Octagon Chapel on 10 October.

Scores more acts are also scheduled to perform across the three day festival, including Black Moth, Kid Wave and Ulrich Schnauss.

In addition, Norwich Sound + Vision is hosting a conference strand featuring debate, discussion, information, advice and inspiration for anyone who’s involved in the music, radio, TV, film and multimedia industries.

PRS for Music’s education outreach manager Andy Ellis will host a panel entitled How do you P.A.Y for D.I.Y to discuss the various ways that unsigned (and signed) artists and songwriters can use their music to generate the funds they need to keep creating.

Ellis will be joined by Jake Shillingford (My Life Story), Ally McCrae (Detour Music), Joe Porn (Music Glue), Jess Morgan (artist) and Johnny Lucas (artist).

It takes place at 12.30pm on 9 October in Norwich Arts Centre.

For more information on the panel, and to learn about the full conference schedule, please visit