orchestras for all

National Orchestra For All announces search for young composers

Orchestras for All’s flagship ensemble is searching for young composers aged between 18 and 25 to compose a new piece for their 2019-2020 season.

  • By Lucy Doyle
  • 13 Dec 2018
  • min read
Calling young composers: Orchestras for All’s flagship ensemble, the National Orchestra For All (NOFA), is searching for composers aged between 18 and 25 to compose a new piece for its 2019-2020 season.

Titled My Roots, Our Routes, the season will explore 'the music that underpins human migrations and journeys, alongside the music that defines individual contexts, backgrounds and histories.'

Composers interested in submitting a work must base it on the theme, The Silk Road by Land and Sea. According to the brief, it should explore 'aspects of music of the countries on the Silk Road in two movements; one representing the land route, the other representing the sea route.'

Composers may interpret the themes in any way they like, while the piece should cater to the mixed skill level nature of the orchestra as well as challenge the players.

The fee for the winning submission is £1,500. The piece will be workshopped with NOFA members in November and December 2019, and performed in April 2020.

The deadline for applications is midday on 2 February 2019. The successful applicant will be notified on 1 March 2019.

To apply, see the full brief below:


The new work should be based on the theme The Silk Road by Land and Sea. It should explore aspects of music of the countries on the Silk Road in two movements, one representing the land route, the other representing the sea route.

The composer can interpret these themes in any way they like, but in the submission it should be made clear how they intend to achieve a sound world that represents the theme of this work.

The piece should also cater to the mixed skill level nature of the orchestra, with members from pre-grade 1 to post-grade 8, whilst at the same time challenging the players and introducing them to new styles of music and ways of playing. This will be achieved in close collaboration with the Orchestras for All artistic team, who will provide a template for the composer to work with from, and support and guidance throughout the process. The entire piece should last around six to eight minutes.

What to submit

Applicants should submit the following to jack.mcneill@orchestrasforall.org with the subject NOFA Call for Proposals:

- A written proposal outlining how you would approach the theme and writing for a mixed skill level orchestra, as well as an indication of the proposed style (500 words max)
- A short outline of why you think it’s important to write new music for youth groups like NOFA (500 words max)
- Two examples of previous work (scores - with audio preferred but not essential)
- A short biography, including your full name and contact details