Music reduces pain and anxiety in patients before surgery, according to a new review by University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust.The hospital found that in 90 percent of studies, there was a reduction in pain and anxiety among patients who listened to music ahead of an operation.
Patients who listened to music were also more willing to undergo future treatment, while their overall satisfaction was better in 53 per cent of the studies.
The analysis of 15 studies is the first systematic review to examine the effects of music on urology outpatient procedures.
Bhaskar Somani, a consultant urological surgeon at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, said that the findings support the case for music to be used as therapy when undergoing surgery.
'Music seems to decrease anxiety and pain and serve as a useful tool to increase procedural satisfaction and willingness to undergo it again.
'A clear strength of music is its low cost, non-invasive nature and ease of delivery and a pathway to set up such a service would be relatively straightforward to implement.
'Furthermore, it could be tailored to a specific procedure being performed and, unlike pharmacological strategies, there are no adverse effects.
'I think there is a very strong case for all patients to be offered, at the very least, the option of music as an additional therapy when undergoing procedures,' he added.