Learn to play with Skunk Anansie’s Ace

Calling all young musicians - apply now to attend a new music academy with Skunk Anansie’s guitarist Ace.

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 2 Jul 2014
  • min read
The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance will be welcoming 12-16 year old students to attend its new Ace Academy programme.

Starting in September, the academy is led by guitarist Ace of nineties rock band Skunk Anansie.

The three level programme is divided into 10 week terms plotted against a school calendar with students beginning the course at beginner level in guitar, bass, drums or vocals.

According to the institute, ‘the programme has been designed around the Ace methodology, a contemporary hands-on playing approach, which enables young students to create their own unique style whilst providing them with the ability to play in a band and with other musicians quickly and easily’.

Ace’s teaching approach will see him add bass guitar, drums and vocals to the mix to encourage students to learn to perform live with bands.

The Ace Academy will start the beginner’s course on 27 September costing £209 if booked before 1 August 2014.

Visit www.icmp.co.uk to find out more about the course and book a place.