CISAC announces new royalty high for 2012

Gross royalty collections hit a new high of €7.8bn (£6.4bn) in 2012, new figures from CISAC have revealed.

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 31 Jan 2014
  • min read
Gross royalty collections hit a new high of €7.8bn (£6.4bn) in 2012, new figures from CISAC have revealed. 

According to the Global Economic Survey, put together by CISAC (International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers), the sum was a record for the amount of royalties collected, up by two percent compared to 2011 figures.

58.8 percent of global collections were generated by European collecting societies, the report showed.

The growth in collections from digital channels rose seven percent in 2012 to €301m.

Olivier Hinnewinkel, director general of CISAC, said: ‘The growth in collections in 2012 slightly out-paced GDP growth in 68 of the territories surveyed.

‘This illustrates the added value to the economies of the cultural and creative industries in those countries and the solidity of the network of authors’ societies.’

View the full report on the CISAC website.

CISAC’s research is based on data provided by 227 authors’ societies from 120 countries.