BASCA hosts copyright advice session

BASCA has announced the final session in this year’s new Professional Business Development Programme, which supports songwriter and composer career development. Book your place now.

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 24 Oct 2012
  • min read
The event focuses on the rapidly evolving world of collecting societies and the crucial importance of collective rights management in ensuring royalty income for songwriters and composers.

BASCA said that many creators are confused by the international licensing process and digital copyright management, so the first part of the session will look at the role and functions of PRS for Music (PRS, MCPS, the Alliance) here in the UK plus how things differ in other territories, including North America and mainland Europe.

The session will also address how royalties flow back from digital services to creators and explains what songwriters and composers need to know, understand and do, to help this process. A panel of guest speakers will be on hand to answer any questions.

The session takes place on Tuesday 20 November from 6.30pm to 9.30pm at the PRS for Music boardroom, Berners Street, London. For more information, please visit

Prices are as follows:

Members of BASCA:£35.00 inc. VAT

Members of AIM, APRA, ASCAP, BMI, BPI, MMF, MPA, MPG, MU, PPL, PRS for Music; and students at Canterbury Christ Church University, ICMP, Leeds College of Music, LIPA and University of Hertfordshire: £55.00 inc. VAT

All others:£75.00 inc. VAT

Book your place here: