Almost Famous in pictures

Check out our picture gallery from the last Almost Famous showcase with Allman Brown, Grass House, Coves and Jenn D.

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 4 Dec 2012
  • min read
Each of the four acts delivered unforgettable performances at London’s 229 Club, winning over music fans and industry bods alike.

The music varied wildly, from Allman Brown’s accomplished folk-pop to Jenn D’s high octane euro-dance. London trio Coves plumbed the darker depths of 80s indie in their six-song set, while Grass House combined classic 60s guitars with pounding rhythms.

Jules Parker, Membership Development at PRS for Music, who helped organise the event, said: ‘We’re really pleased to be giving fans an early opportunity to see some fresh new faces that they will soon be hearing a lot more about.

'Almost Famous is also a great opportunity for artists and it’s established itself as a great platform for music industry and fans to engage with new talent.’

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