2018 PRS AGM

Paul Nichols headshot
  • By Paul Nichols
  • 6 Mar 2018
  • min read
2018 AGM
The next PRS AGM takes place in London on Thursday 24 May and will be open to full and associate members of PRS. Full and associated members are also eligible to participate in the Directors’ Ballot and will be contacted by PRS’ independent scrutineers, Electoral Reform Services (ERS), on or shortly before 11 April, the Ballot opening date.  The AGM Formal Notice will be sent to all full and associate members no later than 9 May.

Active governance
The PRS Board plays a major role in setting the strategic direction of the Society, promoting the success of the company for the benefit of all members and ensuring that the Society is run in accordance with the PRS Constitution.

The Board comprises 11 writer directors, 11 publisher directors, two external independent directors and the Chief Executive Officer, Robert Ashcroft. All directors are appointed by full and associate members at a PRS Annual General Meeting (AGM). The writer and publisher directors are appointed following a Directors’ Ballot in which both full and associate members are entitled to vote. Directors are appointed for a three-year period and are usually eligible to stand for re-appointment at the end of that term. In 2018, there will be three writer director vacancies and two publisher director vacancies.

The number of full PRS members who put themselves forward for election to the PRS Board hit a high in 2017, while the number of eligible members voting in the Directors’ Ballot was up 20 percent, according to new figures.  This growing interest among songwriter, composer and publisher members in the governance of the Society helped drive the appointment of four new board directors last year – Imogen Heap, John Truelove, and Roberto Neri (Downtown Publishing) and Jo Smith (Warner/Chappell) – and PRS is keen to see this growth continue.

For more information about the PRS Board, the Directors’ Ballot and the PRS AGM, please see prsformusic.com/aboutus