chris butler mcps

'2017 defining year for MCPS' says chairman

‘2017 will be a defining year for MCPS,’ Chris Butler, MCPS Chairman, has told M magazine.

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 27 Mar 2017
  • min read
‘2017 will be a defining year for MCPS,’ Chris Butler, MCPS chairman, has told M magazine.

Butler, referring to the decision to put the administration of MCPS back office operations out to tender, said the organisation will be ready to announce who it’s appointed to carry out the work by the end of June.

He continued: ‘From an industry perspective, MCPS is coming to the end of a very thorough process. 2017 will be a defining year for the organisation and its relationships with whoever it chooses to go forward with as a partner. That’s a big issue for all the publishers.’

MCPS, which currently sits under the PRS for Music brand with the Performing Right Society (PRS), licenses mechanical copyrights for its 26,000 publisher, songwriter and composer members. At present, MCPS’ administrative functions are undertaken by PRS, which, since July 2013, has acted under a service contract.

In late 2015, MCPS announced its decision to open the contract up for bids from other organisations, with a decision initially expected in December 2016.

Butler said of the delay: ‘It’s a big strategic choice and it’s been a very thorough process. Originally it was going to come to a head in 2016 – it has to come to a head in 2017.

'The known and published timetable is the end of June. By then we will know where we’re going and everyone is working very hard on all sides to evaluate the options and make the right decisions.’