Tom Ravenscroft

For this week’s playlist we pick the brains of radio DJ Tom Ravenscroft, a modern day musical anti-hero. We find out about the songs that have shaped his tastes and the acts he's backing in 2015…expect some real curveballs!

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 21 Nov 2014
  • min read
For this week’s playlist we pick the brains of radio DJ Tom Ravenscroft, a modern day musical anti-hero.

His regular Radio 6 Music slot has won him plenty of plaudits over the last three years for its eclectic playlist policy and its openness to champion new bands.

Here, we find out about the songs that have shaped his tastes and the acts he's backing for 2015… expect some real curveballs!

The first record I ever bought was… Six Days on the Run by Flip & Fill.

I’d first heard it on a happy hardcore compilation and it really grabbed me.

The last great record I listened to was… Pale Green Ghosts by John Grant.

At first, I only heard a little bit but we ended up doing something with him and the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra so I thought I’d better give it a proper listen. I completely fell in love with it after that. I don’t get the chance to sit down and listen to whole albums very often. This one is the only album I have downloaded onto my phone.

My guilty pleasure is… Cotton Eye Joe by Rednex.

That’s a really guilty one, isn’t it?

The song that always makes me dance is… Seasons by Future Islands.

There are quite a few that make me dance but recently, it has to be this one.

The song I know all the words to… Debaser by Pixies.

Actually, I think I know all the words to everything by Pixies and Wedding Present.

The weirdest song in my collection is… Bird Seeds of Vengeance by Hatebeak.

I own a fair few odd records, but this one by Hatebeak must top the lot. The band’s lead singer is a grey parrot – that’s pretty weird!

My best new music discovery this year has been… Girl Band.

My best new music tip for 2015 is… Denai Moore.

I’d like to see Denai Moore finally get some recognition on her own. She featured on that SBTRKT song The Light and she did an EP, which was great, but it would be nice if she put an album out. Also, Marika Hackman has her first full album coming out next year.

There are a few people that I’ve been loving for a while now who are finally getting albums out. It will be quite fun to see that happen next year…

Tom narrates the Studio to Stereo exhibition at Proud Galleries in London until 3 December. The exhibition is hosted in conjunction with Sony's High Res Audio format.