Story Books

Story Books are a five piece indie rock act doing their best to put Sittingbourne in Kent on the map as a hotbed for new musical talent. Their forthcoming Too Much a Hunter promises big things for them in 2013. Check out their exclusive M playlist featuring Neil Young, Glasser and the Red House Painters…

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 5 Apr 2013
  • min read
These chaps wear their musical hearts on their sleeve as best heard on their well-received single Peregrine. They’ve since headlined their own shows at London’s Lexington, Electrowerkz and Hoxton Hall while also being personally invited to open at Koko for new converts Bloc Party.

After a successful trip to SXSW, part-funded by PRS for Music Foundation's British Music Abroad scheme, the band have their new Too Much A Hunter EP due in April. Check out their exclusive playlist for M below featuring music from the likes of Glasser, Neil Young and Beirut.