London Marathon

Welcome to our latest playlist. This week's is all about Sunday's London marathon which one member of our team is running. Dig into hits from Kate Busg, Todd Terje and Bruce Springsteen...

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 11 Apr 2014
  • min read
Welcome to this week's playlist. It's London marathon weekend so this week's list is all about running. Our staff writer Jim Ottewill is taking part in the event so these are his picks to get him round the 26.2 miles...

'On Sunday I'll be running this year's London marathon which many would say is a foolhardy, nay ridiculous task considering I've never run this far before.

This isn't an act of total masochism. I'm running the event to raise money for Kith and Kids, a smallish charity based in north London. They do great work to help empower families who have a son or daughter with a learning disability or autism to overcome their social exclusion. The dosh I raise, along with the charity's other runners, will be used by them to fund their summer projects. It gets the members outside, learning new skills and generally having a good time. So it is a very worthwhile endeavour to support. Visit my Just Giving page to check out my fund-raising efforts. 

As far as my playlist is concerned, I've gone for a mixture of running-related tunes to anthems that will hopefully get me past the finishing line on the power of euphoria alone when my puny legs have given up the ghost.'

Below, you can enjoy tunes from the likes of Brice Springsteen, Kate Bush and Todd Terje... tuck in!