End Of The Road Festival

Welcome to our latest M playlist. Following last weekend’s Notting Hill Carnival playlists, we bring you a new selection this time focusing on the End of the Road Festival. The event is all about beautiful scenery married to some of the best folk, Americana and indie acts out there and is the perfect way to almost cap off your festival season (Bestival and Festival Number 6 are still to come). Dive in and check out tracks from Warpaint, The Walkmen, Belle & Sebastian and Savages…

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 30 Aug 2013
  • min read
Welcome to the latest M Playlist.

Following last weekend’s double header of Notting Hill carnival, we’re this time taking a journey to Larmer Tree Gardens in North Dorset for the End of the Road Festival.

This annual event used to be the final feather in the cap of the UK festival season but with Bestival and Festival Number 6, we’re still a few weeks off the official end of the summer. Which is definitely a great thing in our books.

The festival is known for marrying beautiful surroundings with the best in folk, Americana and indie acts. Check out our selection below featuring the likes of Warpaint, Savages, The Walkmen and Belle & Sebastian…