Bob Stanley

Welcome to our latest playlist. This week we’re delighted to welcome author, former music journalist and member of seminal pop act Saint Etienne Bob Stanley as curator of our playlist. As the writer behind the acclaimed Yeah Yeah Yeah – The Story of Modern Pop he’s well versed in the history of contemporary music and has exquisite taste to boot. Wade in and feel the power of his selection including Hall and Oates, Solange and East India Youth…

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 24 Jan 2014
  • min read
Welcome to the latest Friday playlist.

This week one time music journalist, acclaimed author and member of seminal pop act Saint Etienne Bob Stanley has taken over the reins.

It’s been a hectic 12 months for Bob. Not only is he a regular musical contributor to the broadsheets but he also saw his first book – Yeah Yeah Yeah – The Story of Modern Pop published to widespread acclaim by Faber. This account of the evolution of how pop music took place has been heralded as one of the best music tomes of the past 12 months so we were as pleased as punch that he was up for compiling us an exclusive playlist.

Here’s what Bob had to say about his selection:

‘I'm always intrigued by new r and b, especially girl singers, and I always like digging into unlikely places (Gene and Cliff's catalogues, for instance). This playlist is quite cocktail hour - it sounds like I'm trying to hurry spring along. I've had enough of grey skies.’

Wade in below and feel Bob’s uplifting song choices featuring the likes of Hall and Oates, Solange and East India Youth…