Bill Brewster

Acclaimed author, journalist and ace selector Bill Brewster is behind this week’s playlist. The writer behind Last Night a DJ Saved My Life picks top cuts from the likes of Luke Vibert, Ewan Pearson and Lonelady…

Jim Ottewill
  • By Jim Ottewill
  • 6 Feb 2015
  • min read
Welcome to this week’s playlist, curated by acclaimed author, journalist and ace DJ Bill Brewster.

Bill is well known as a music lover and staunch Grimsby Town supporter. Alongside his disco partner in crime Frank Broughton, he is behind the dance music bible, Last Night A DJ Saved My Life, a tome exploring every nook and cranny of the musical genre. The two are also behind the DJ History website and run the long-running series of professional house parties known as Low Life.

So as a musical expert, there aren't many more knowledgeable or enthusiastic as Bill. Dig into his glorious playlist below featuring some fine cuts from the likes of Luke Vibert, Ewan Pearson and Mark E. Enjoy...