53 degrees north hull

53 Degrees North

Music convention and showcase 53 Degrees North returns to Hull this week. We're celebrating some of the ace local + UK-wide bands gracing the 2018 line-up in our latest playlist...

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 8 Jun 2018
  • min read
Over the last couple of years, Hull has emerged as a musical powerhouse, giving rise to loads of ace new artists of every conceivable flavour.

From LIFE’s Mark E Smith-inspired agit-punk to the freestyling flows of rapper Chiedu Oraka, the city has shown itself to be a hotbed of sonic innovation.

Wonky acts like My Pleasure, from long-standing Hull label Adult Teeth, are also helping to bring the wonkiness, while Katie Spicer is spearheading the folk revival.

Everything seems to be represented here, with local musicians orbiting around the Warren Youth Project and its Warren Records off-shot, a hands-on, community-based support centre.

Today sees the return of music convention and showcase, 53 Degrees North – another string to the bow of a vibrant scene.

Launched last year during the Hull City of Culture celebrations, it offers two days of panels, workshops, debates and live shows right in the heart of Hull.

This year’s edition is supported by PPL, PRS for Music and PRS Foundation, and features an ace line-up including The Horrors, Dream Wife, LIFE, Our Girl, Night Flowers and Vulgarians.

Tune in to what’s on offer here…