
UK Music welcomes Culture Minister’s plans for new music strategy

Culture Minister Nigel Adams has revealed Government plans for a new music strategy to ensure the UK’s music industry remains ‘the envy of the world,’ while pledging to support the UK’s ‘brilliant creators.’

Bekki Bemrose
  • By Bekki Bemrose
  • 22 Jan 2020
  • min read
Culture Minister Nigel Adams has revealed Government plans for a new music strategy to ensure the UK’s music industry remains ‘the envy of the world,’ while pledging to support the UK’s ‘brilliant creators.’

UK Music’s deputy chief executive Tom Kiehl welcomed the news, as the trade body has been calling for the new music strategy as part of its key demands from the new Government.

Adams set out the Government’s plans in a debate in the House of Commons yesterday (Tuesday), which focused on the economic and social value of music.

The minister also emphasized the Government’s commitment to supporting freedom of movement for the music industry, saying: ‘Touring is absolutely the lifeblood of the industry. We recognise the importance of the continued ease of movement of musicians, equipment, merchandise once we have left the EU.

‘Visa rules for artists performing in the EU will not change until the implementation period ends in December 2020. It’s absolutely essential that free movement for artists is protected post-2020.’

Adams outlined the Government’s approach in a number of other key areas affecting the music industry:

On the Copyright Directive

‘We support the overall aims of the Copyright Directive. But our imminent departure from the EU means we are not required to implement the Copyright Directive in full.

‘It’s absolutely imperative we do everything possible to protect our brilliant creators, as well as the consumers and the rights of users who consume music. I look forward to working with the music industry to ensure we achieve this.’

On fiscal incentives for the music industry

‘The creative sector tax reliefs are kept under review to ensure their ongoing effectiveness. I have spoken to music industry representatives and I am very, very happy to receive any evidence-based proposals for a tax relief for this sector.’

On the Music Export Growth Scheme

He said: the ‘incredibly successful scheme’ was vital in the soft power influence it allowed Britain to exert across the world.

On music in education

‘This is absolutely imperative.  We are committed to ensuring all children have a broad and balanced curriculum. The arts are very important, key part of this.’

Following the debate, Tom Kiehl commented: ‘I would like to thank all the MPs from across the political spectrum who made such brilliant and heartfelt contributions about the importance of the UK music industry to our economy and society.

‘This debate has highlighted a huge opportunity for industry to work with Parliament to ensure crucial support for music is turned into much needed action.

‘I would particularly like to thank Nigel Adams who is a passionate supporter of the music industry and welcome his proposals for a new music strategy and comments on freedom of movement which is so vital for our industry.

‘We look forward to working with him on the new music strategy and a host of other areas to continue to grow our industry.’