
Marika Hackman and Dream Wife

PRS for Music Presents continued to highlight the fantastic work our members are producing with an incredibly talented line-up featuring Dream Wife and Marika Hackman on Thursday 20 April 2017 at our Streatham office.

About the artists

Marika Hackman

Marika Hackman, wearing a blue suit, reclines in an armchair, with a blue graphic background

Marika Hackman is a captivating English vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter. More likely to quote proto-feminist ghost stories than align with audience expectations of a woman prepared to “sing a few nice songs with a pretty voice and then forget about it”, her songs emphasise a fresh perspective that is shocking, as well as helping the listener to deal with the situation of modern living. Her music challenges perceptions of what songwriting can or should be, conveying a sense of truth and understanding of current issues, from the forms of the past. She’s just returned from playing South by Southwest.

Dream Wife

Three piece band Dream Wife lean on each other and look at the camera, with a graphic background for PRS for Music Presents

This ain’t your average house party. Dream Wife invite you to jump into the mosh pit. London based musicians Alice, Bella and Icelandic singer Rakel formed at art school in Brighton where the project began as a performance art piece. Dream Wife make music embracing their love for edgy pop. Oozing girl power the music juxtaposes simple pop hooks, cutting riffs and screamy dreamy vocals.

The world of Dream Wife is brought to life with; roaring live shows, an empowering attitude embracing the strength of femininity, and collaborations with vibrant creatives of the London scene.

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