
We're improving our website

Updates to the website include a new login page, content and a responsive design.

PRS for Music Website Device Previews

As our project to transform our digital services picks up more and more momentum, one of the key tasks on our list was to improve our website. Our dedicated team have created something that is contemporary, simple and designed for our members and customers.

The site will launch in the coming weeks and will be:

Quicker and easier to find what you’re looking for

We’ve streamlined and organised our site so it’ll be much simpler to navigate. We've also improved the search functionality so it will be easier to find what you're looking for in search results.

Easy to understand

We’ve reviewed our content to ensure we’re using language that’s easy to understand. We can’t always avoid industry terms but where we do use them, we’ve introduced a pop-up glossary to give clear definitions.

Mobile optimised

The site is optimised to work on any device: mobile, tablet or desktop computer. So whether our website users are on their way back from a gig, in the office or at home, they’ve got access.

Testing… is this thing on?

As our new website was built for members, we knew it was incredibly important to include them in the process as early as possible. During the creation, we invited members to test the site and provide their feedback.

Before our full launch, we are also sharing our preview site to a wider group of members in the coming weeks, and will be encouraging them to test out the site and report any things they like, don’t like or any issues to us directly. The information we receive will be used to fix any errors and shape our future enhancements.

Looking to the future

This is just the beginning... the site will continue to evolve as we update and introduce new applications and tools. Changes at launch will be mostly design, navigation and content related. For now, our member applications (such as our tool for registering works) will remain the same, with a plan to update these in the future.

Written by

Andrew Smallwood
Andrew Smallwood - Senior UX Manager
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