register my music

Royalties are a vital source of income for songwriters and composers. Register your work and you can make money from your music.

Start earning royalties

Did you know

Music streaming earns you mechanical and performance royalties

Creation to royalty collection

PRS exists to protect and grow the rights of its members, ensuring you're paid fairly for your creative work.

Discover new features

Share-splitting, user-friendly forms, customisable templates, mobile capability and live registration tracking.

Share splits

We've simplified the complexities of share splits with our new intuitive platform.





Registration forms

Our user-friendly and accessible forms cut through the paperwork clutter.

Mobile registration

The Register My Music tool is now fully mobile optimised, so you can register your works from anywhere.

iPhone 15 pro

Work templates

Streamline your music registration by using existing templates, designed to make the process quicker and more straight-forward for creators.

How it works

Explore the ease of registering your music with PRS in our quick, step-by-step video guide - simple, swift, secure.

Unlock your potential

Share-splitting, user-friendly forms, customisable templates, mobile capability and live registration tracking.


Get paid fairly as a songwriter

PRS Connects recently hosted the How Many Ways To Get Your Money event - here's our panel's top tips.

View article


  • Why do I need to register my music?

    Registering your works with PRS means that you can get paid when your music is used. We can only distribute royalties for the use of works that have been registered.

  • Who should register?

    If you’re published, your publisher will often register your works for you, so check with them first. If you’re unpublished, you and any other cowriters will need to log in and register works individually. It’s important that all interested parties do this. Learn more about authorising your share splits in our help centre.

  • What information do I need to register works?

    To register, you’ll need to tell us the title of the work, who you wrote it with, the shares you’ve agreed with your cowriters and publishers, and – if you have it – information on ISRCs.

    You can register and amend the work details of any writer or composer that you publish. If any of your writers also register, the system will tell us these duplicates have a possible match, so we can check and merge them when appropriate.