
Track record

We’re dedicated to getting the most for our members from the use of their music.

In addition to the money paid out to our members, we also invest in the future of our industry to safe-guard copyright and support the next generation of songwriters and composers.

Our financial results

A behind the scenes look at the numbers supporting our industry.

Our annual financial results give you a closer look at the work we do, taking you on a journey through PRS for Music’s business, giving insights into the working of the organisation and how we are performing.

Annual Transparency Report

The Annual Transparency Report (ATR) serves an important role in delivering our commitment to transparency, ensuring that members can hold their society, and those that represent them, to account. First published in 2016, the information reported in the ATR goes beyond the specific legal requirements.

The new format for 2023, designed to link explanatory notes directly to the corresponding amounts, allows members to understand better how income, distributions and administration charges are being managed by their society.


Financial results Annual transparency report
2022 2022
2021 2021
2020 2020
2019 2019
2018 2018
switching account

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