
Sports Events Consultation

We are launching a revised sports events public performance tariff “Tariff SE” on 1 September 2024.

In February 2024, we launched a consultation on our proposal to amend our Tariff SE, designed specifically for sports events which use music at their sports grounds (such as football, rugby and cricket) and racetracks and stadiums (such as motor racing and athletics).

The consultation document and a summary of the responses can be viewed below.

Practical information and details of the application of the new tariff can be found in our FAQs below.

Frequently asked questions

Tariff SE was last amended in 2007 and since this time, our research indicates that the way in which music is used at sports events is more varied, for example, emerging sports such as E-Sports use music for far longer than traditional sports, such as football and rugby. The proposed tariff is designed with simplicity in mind, streamlining the licensing purchasing process by including all sports under one tariff to adhere to this change in music use. By way of example:  

  • Build music (music used to build the audience’s anticipation before the sporting action) is now often longer than 10 minutes – the current allowance under Tariff SE).  
  • Sports such as E-Sports are increasingly utilising music throughout the action with background music consistently being audible to both players and the audience.
  • The duration of many sports events has also increased, so we have built in additional durations to cover this extended time.

All commercial sports events that utilise music in the following ways:

  1. General background music around the ground along with music used as the attendees enter and exit the venue
  2. Build music used to encourage attendees to their seats and build anticipation of the sporting action
  3. In-game background music used whilst the event is underway
  4. In-action music used when, for example, a goal is scored
  5. Featured entertainment that appears at the start, middle or end of the event, such as a live performance or DJ set.

Please note – caps on duration will be applied.

  1. We have increased the allowances for build music (which was previously limited to 10 minutes), to provide venues additional flexibility for the use of music in this way.
  2. We have included a new charge for in-game action background music as we have found that there are a number of sporting events (such as E-Sports) that utilise background music during the sporting action. This is based on the ground music charge.
  3. We have included additional duration bandings for integral music to provide extra flexibility for the market.
There has been no change to the mechanism and rates for Featured Entertainment, Up to 10% of sporting event, and up to 25% of sporting event, as well as the charge for Boxes. 

In addition, the minimum charge also has not changed.
This scheme will come into effect from 1 September 2024, and will apply to sports events and sports grounds on and after this date.
All venues are required to obtain the correct licence.
The tariff document is available here (insert link) which provides all the charge information. On request we can provide a spreadsheet with the built-in formulas that can be used by customers to calculate their potential fees.  This will also provide them with the capacity to be able to make music usage decisions based on their budget.
The licence will be administered by PPL PRS Ltd, who are our appointed agent. You can find details on how to purchase TheMusicLicence on their website.

There are two elements that will need to be provided to PPLPRS, These are:

  • Usage types - corresponding durations and attendee numbers can be provided by the customer at point of sale of each event to ensure that the correct rates are applied. Or, if it is anticipated that the usage types and durations will be effective for more than one event, number of events to which these usage declarations apply can be compiled and provided in advance. 
  • Music Usage – this information is provided after licence is in place and is in the same standard format as previously supplied.
To help sports distinguish between in-game background and featured music, PPL PRS Ltd will be happy to talk customers through the tariff. By way of overview, in-game background music will comprise consumption of music where the music is not the primary driver of what the attendee is experiencing. Featured Music is primarily for entertainment of the attendees

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If you have any queries regarding our consultation, please contact us on

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